IEEE Radio & Wireless Week

19 - 22 January 2025
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Final Manuscript Submission Guide

Welcome to the IEEE 2024 Radio and Wireless Week (RWW2024) and thank you for choosing this venue to publish your work.

Each paper in the Proceedings of RWW2024 will be published from a file uploaded by the author using the link to the RWW2024 submission site. All Final Manuscripts can be received, electronically and in .pdf format only, and must be compatible with IEEE Xplore, as certified by IEEE PDFeXpress.

The deadline for Final Manuscript submission is:

25 October 2023

The total length of your final manuscript must not exceed four pages; longer papers will be truncated or excluded from the Proceedings. The maximum final .pdf file size is 4.0 Mb; larger files will be arbitrarily reduced.

Please note that IEEE certification of Xplore compatibility by PDFeXpress is required: to either convert your existing file to .pdf format or check your existing .pdf file, log on with Conference ID: “56914x” for RWS, “59907x” for PAWR, “59913x” for SiRF, “59910x” for WiSNeT, “59908x” for SHaRC, and incorporate all requested corrections from the technical review process before uploading your .pdf file to the RWW manuscript submission site. Please begin a “Begin a new Final Manuscript Submission”; using the original registration key issued during your original summary submission. A separate IEEE Copyright Form (due 25 October 2023) must be submitted electronically for each final manuscript. Failure to submit your final paper by the deadline may result in the removal of your paper from the final program of the conference.

Manuscript Preparation:

  • The Conference Proceedings USB and electronic copy on IEEE Xplore will be in color, but many readers print and use the papers in black and white (b&w) only. So, please check your final manuscript for legibility in both b&w and color representations.
  • Do not include page numbers; these (as well as the IEEE footers) will be inserted by the editors.
  • Please note that no additional content editing will be performed by the RWS editors.

The required page size is US letter. The required template is the IEEE Conference Manuscript Templates in US letter page size which can be downloaded from: IEEE Conference Manuscript Templates. Authors must use the required template and follow the exact format as shown and as specified in the required template.

Manuscript File Preparation:

  • Prepare your manuscript in any file format acceptable to PDFexpress.
  • Embed all figures and captions within the text.
  • Ensure legibility; simplify all figures and tables and maintain uniformity of style throughout.
  • Use PDFexpress with your respective Conference ID: “56914x” for RWS, “59907x” for PAWR, “59913x” for SiRF, “59910x” for WiSNeT, “59908x” for SHaRC to create your final .pdf file and check both color and black & white representations.
  • Maximum final manuscript length is 4 pages with .pdf file size less than 4.0 Megabytes.

Publication Release:

Receipt of your manuscript by RWW2024, together with the electronically completed IEEE Copyright Form, constitutes irrevocable release for open publication. Make sure you complete the electronic submission of the Copyright Form following your Manuscript submission. Do not send your manuscript if it is not fully cleared (see and check release statement on the Submission Site). Acceptance of your paper is conditional upon your refraining from publishing essentially the same content prior to your presentation, including pre-publication in trade journals and other periodicals.

Registration and Attendance:

Submission of your manuscript includes a commitment by the corresponding author to ensure that at least one author registers for the conference and presents the paper (registration number required by the submission site). No more than three (3) papers can be presented per each full registration.

By the submission deadline  25 October 2023 (please do not ask for an extension!):

  • Upload your certified .pdf file (4 pages, 4.0 Mbytes max.);
  • log in using the same credentials as during your original paper summary submission;

Begin your final manuscript submission here

If you have any questions, well in advance of the 25 October 2023 deadline, please contact Technical Program Chair: Václav Valenta (