IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications

18 - 21 January 2026
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Power amplifiers for radio and wireless applications (PAWR) are often the most critical component of RF/microwave communications systems and consequently the focus of intense research to achieve increased linearity and power efficiency. New forms of power amplification are being developed to meet the needs for wireless communication, instrumentation, and sensing satisfying the world’s demand for sustainable interconnectivity. PAWR 2026 will feature tracks on RF/microwave Power Amplifiers.

Papers featuring innovative work are solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas of RF/microwave power amplifier technology:

  • High Power/Wideband Active Devices
  • Power Amplifiers for Mobile, Avionics and Space
  • Modeling and Characterization
  • Advanced Circuit Design and Topologies
  • Green Power Amplifier Technology
  • Integration Technology
  • Packaging and Reliability
  • Linearization and Efficiency Enhancement Techniques
  • Applications, Novel Architectures and System Analysis