IEEE Radio & Wireless Week

19 - 22 January 2025
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Date & Time: Tuesday, 21 January 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Organizer: Jan Budroweit, German Aerospace Center

The Space Night is a semi-social event on behalf of the IEEE Radio Wireless Week (RWW) and the co-located conference the IEEE Space Hardware and Radio Conference (SHaRC). This year’s Space Night address the topic on “Radio Frequency Interferences and their impact to Radio Services”. We will have dedicated invited talks giving us insights on regulation aspects, technical challenges, and impact to services. After the invited talk, we will host an interactive discussion with the speakers and invite you to ask your questions to our speakers and bring in your thoughts in this important topic.

Don’t miss the space nigh program and enjoy exciting talks and discussion while having complementary light snack and drinks.

As for last year, at the end of the space night, we will have another Quiz where attendees can win nice prices!

Moderators: Marie Piasecki, NASA Glenn Research Center & Jan Budroweit, DLR

Václav Valenta, ESA
Allen Katz, College of New Jersey, MACOM Fellow
Benjamin Schoch, University Stuttgart
Eyal Trachtman, Addvalue Technologies